Wednesday, 18 February 2009

The importance of clear diction

Usually, after a drink or a meal, I ask for the “Die Rechnung, bitte” – the bill. However, saying something simple in a language can be done in several fashions, so I have decided to change my ways, and introduce a new word into my street vocabulary.

I vowed to ask for the “bezahlen” (to pay) in the future.

The problem with languages, though, is if you are a bear of little brain, you become easily confused. Such a lapse was highlighted after a particular lively and rather fruity German conversational class, in which I was introduced to a new word: stillen.

My mind, being the broken wreak of a thing that it is, then asked “Kann ich bitte bestillen”.

My waitress stopped in her tracks and gave me a steely look. What? I though, I’ve only had a few, a few more than I intended, I grant, but I’m a innocent, baby-faced kind of guy. I wouldn’t do anything wrong.

The only problem is, that “stillen” means to breastfeed.

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